Copyright © 2014 by Richmond Mining & Exploration (Pty) Ltd  ·  All Rights reserved  ·  E-Mail:
Richmond is totally convinced that any prospecting activity can be conducted in an environmentally responsible and safe manner. All activities that have a potential impact on the environment are managed responsibly so that the impacted area is rehabilitated to the pre-prospecting status as far as possible, at times even improving on the pre-prospecting status.

Numerous trials have been conducted in the past to provide us with the required knowledge of creating an environmentally friendly approach to our activities.

Richmond possess extensive experience in the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and EMP (Environmental Management Plan/Programme) processes, thereby providing a service that is fully compliant to legislation. When it comes to our environment, we strive to exceed the industry standard practices being implemented today.

PO Box 4846, Lydenburg,
Mpumalanga, South Africa

Fax: (+27)13 235 4837